WASA Membership

WASA is committed to the development of quality education through professional leadership. Members benefit from a supportive community of professional leaders working to provide, in concert with AWSP and OSPI, a research-based, high-quality leadership academy for ongoing professional development; and sustain a positive impact on legislative and community leaders to meet the demands of school administrators in Washington State. WASA is taking a lead in efforts to secure ample school funding for districts statewide. 

WASA offers four membership options:
Active: Those currently serving as full or part-time school administrators.
Associate: Higher education faculty, out-of-state administrators, and employees of professional associations.
Student/Intern: Qualified graduate students and interns preparing for administration not otherwise eligible for active membership.
Life: Previous active member retirees with service in Washington State.

Learn more or become a member.

Contact Us:

Kaley VonVolkli, Accounting Assistant, 360.489.3644 or kvonvolkli@wasa-oly.org.

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