Other Opportunities

Job openings are listed alphabetically by district. Contact the school district/organization before applying for a job with an undetermined closing date (open until filled). The application process may be closed. Click on the job title for additional information.

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | Director, School Apportionment and Financial Services

Posting Date: 01/03/2025
District: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
School Name: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
City, State: Olympia, WA
County: Thurston
Category: Other Career Opportunities
Title: Director, School Apportionment and Financial Services
Salary: $129,059 - $144,200
Deadline: Open until filled.
For more information contact:

Sal Salazar
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

600 Washington St SE
Olympia, WA 98501
Phone: 360.725.6278

Comments: This position is in the Financial Resources division of the agency and reports to the Chief Financial Officer.
Website: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washington/jobs/4742639/director-school-apportionment-and-financial-services
Email: sal.salazar@k12.wa.us

WASA | Executive Director

Posting Date: 11/18/2024
District: WASA
School Name:
City, State: Hybrid/Remote
County: Thurston
Category: Other Career Opportunities
Title: Executive Director
Salary: Multi-year contract will be negotiated
Deadline: 02/23/2025
For more information contact:

Dr. Dennis Ray
Northwest Leadership Associates

, WA
Phone: 509.979.5561

Comments: The Board is seeking a recognized educational leader with the following qualities and qualifications: -Relational and Collaborative Leadership -Visionary Systems Thinker -Effective and Transparent Communicator
Website: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:us:38fca528-5aed-4673-b9c5-44b3798c59ed
Email: dennisray@superintendentsearch.com

Yelm Community Schools | ESA Speech, Language Pathologist

Posting Date: 01/07/2025
District: Yelm Community Schools
School Name: Office of Student Support
City, State: Yelm
County: Thurston
Category: Other Career Opportunities
Title: ESA Speech, Language Pathologist
Salary: $61,131-$117,430
Deadline: Open until filled.
For more information contact:

Kari Polzin, Human Resources Coordinator
Yelm Community Schools
107 1st St N
P O Box 476
Yelm, WA 98597
Phone: 360.458.6118
Fax: 360.458.6286

Comments: Tri Days available per CBA, paid at per diem Extended Days available per CBA, paid at per diem National Certification Stipend
Website: http://ycsjobs.myschooldata.net/JobOpenings.aspx
Email: kari_polzin@ycs.wednet.edu