AWSP Leadership Framework for School Leader Evaluation

The AWSP Leadership Framework was designed to promote the growth of school leaders in the areas that are most likely to result in increased student achievement. It directly aligns with Washington State evaluation criteria, rules, and regulations. 

New AWSP Leadership Framework 3.0 for 2020–21

In effect for the 2020–21 school year, the AWSP Leadership Framework 3.0 is the result of a process that included an analysis of other school leadership frameworks, feedback from focus groups, and interviews with principals and their supervisors who have been using the original AWSP framework. Resources and commentary have been added to support and emphasize the importance of growth-oriented conversations. 

A PDF of the AWSP Leadership Framework 3.0 is available for download here. Printed copies for each school leader and supervisor were mailed to district offices in early August 2020. Please contact AWSP if you did not receive a copy. 

More Resources

Please visit AWSP's Leadership Framework webpage to:
• Watch an introductory video about the Framework
• Access resources organized by Leadership Framework Criteria
• Download AWSP's Evidence of Impact Tool


Contact AWSP's Jack Arend at or 800.562.6100

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