Other Opportunities

Job openings are listed alphabetically by district. Contact the school district/organization before applying for a job with an undetermined closing date (open until filled). The application process may be closed. Click on the job title for additional information.

Multiple Districts Statewide | Continuous Improvement Partner

Posting Date: 02/26/2024
District: Multiple Districts Statewide
School Name: Multiple Schools Statewide
City, State: Multiple Locations Statewide
County: Statewide
Category: Other Career Opportunities
Title: Continuous Improvement Partner
Salary: $85/hour
Deadline: 12/31/2024
For more information contact:

Mary Adams

600 Washington St. SE
Olympia, WA 98504
Phone: 360.764.1098

Comments: Request for Qualifications for Continuous Improvement Partners (RFQ 2024-13): Educational specialists with expertise in facilitating the development and implementation of continuous school improvement systems.
Website: https://ospi.k12.wa.us/about-ospi/contracting-ospi/competitive-procurements
Email: mary.adams@k12.wa.us

Northwest Regional Data Center | Director - NWRDC

Posting Date: 11/25/2024
District: Northwest Regional Data Center
School Name:
City, State: Everett, WA
County: Snohomish
Category: Other Career Opportunities
Title: Director - NWRDC
Salary: $147,555.20 - $166,212.80
Deadline: 12/22/2024
For more information contact:

Jessica Guzik
NWESD 189 - Anacortes, WA

, WA 98221-2276
Phone: 360.299.4058

UW | Executive Director

Posting Date: 11/07/2024
District: UW
School Name: University of Washington, Center for Educational Leadership
City, State: Seattle, WA
County: King
Category: Other Career Opportunities
Title: Executive Director
Salary: $215,000 - $245,000
Deadline: 01/06/2025
For more information contact:

Kacey Warden
University of Washington, Center for Educational Leadership

Box 358731
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206.221.6881

Comments: We believe courageous leadership can change students’ lives. We’re seeking someone with passion, vision, and resolve to lead our mission to fight for educational justice.
Website: https://ap.washington.edu/ahr/position-details/?job_id=152081
Email: edlead@uw.edu

WASA | Executive Director

Posting Date: 11/18/2024
District: WASA
School Name:
City, State: Hybrid/Remote
County: Thurston
Category: Other Career Opportunities
Title: Executive Director
Salary: Multi-year contract will be negotiated
Deadline: 02/23/2025
For more information contact:

Dr. Dennis Ray
Northwest Leadership Associates

, WA
Phone: 509.979.5561

Comments: The Board is seeking a recognized educational leader with the following qualities and qualifications: -Relational and Collaborative Leadership -Visionary Systems Thinker -Effective and Transparent Communicator
Website: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:us:38fca528-5aed-4673-b9c5-44b3798c59ed
Email: dennisray@superintendentsearch.com