Education Partners

WASA Affiliations PDF

Alliance of Educational Associations (AEA)
AEA is a partnership of educational organizations that provides information and acts as a positive influence on legislation to create the best possible educational system for students in Washington State.
•    Washington Association of Maintenance and Operations Administrators (WAMOA)—Educational facilities professionals providing a safe, secure and healthy learning environment for student achievement.
•    Washington School Nutrition Association (WSNA)—School nutrition professionals supporting student learning through the provision of healthy
school meals.

American Association of School Administrators (AASA)
AASA, the School Superintendents Association advocates for equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education and develops and supports school system leaders.

Founded in 1865, AASA is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA members range from chief executive officers, superintendents and senior level school administrators to cabinet members, professors and aspiring school system leaders.

Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD)
The purpose of the Association of Educational Service Districts is to provide communication and coordination among ESD Boards for educational advocacy; for fostering leadership and partnerships; and for collaboration within the education community.

OSPI and ESD superintendents have agreed to commit to establish and maintain the OSPI/AESD partnership. They are working together to realize an open and coordinated system focused on shared statewide initiatives that collaborates on goals, accountability measures, and deliverables, and that engages in continual improvement efforts to strengthen the efficacy of the partnership on behalf of Washington’s students.

ESDs link local public and private schools with one another and with state and national resources. ESD cooperatives and programs enhance educational opportunities because they realize significant savings, allowing districts to send more dollars directly to the classroom and provide special services that might otherwise be unavailable to
their regions.

Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP)
A leading voice on K–12 education for more than 40 years, the Association of Washington School Principals is the state’s preeminent professional association for principals, assistant principals and principal interns. Their mission is to support principals and the principalship in the education of all students.

AWSP serves about 3,500 members from elementary, middle, and high schools as well as policymakers and administrators. Membership opens the doors to opportunities that help enhance development as a leader and advance a career path. There are professional development seminars, award-winning publications, networking events, and a career center.

Employee Relations and Negotiations Network (ERNN)
ERNN was created to better organize and communicate information between and among school districts and ESDs. Membership in their statewide network provides regular reports on emerging bargaining and employee relations issues and greatly enhances your school district's perspective in negotiations. ERNN membership is based on district size not individual membership, which means all the administrators in your district have access to ERNN services and bargaining support.

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is the primary agency charged with overseeing K–12 public education in Washington state. Led by State School Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI works with the state’s 295 school districts to administer basic education programs and implement education reform on behalf of more than one million public school students.

Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB)
The mission of Washington’s Professional Educator Standards Board is educator quality, recognizing that the highest possible standards for all educators are essential to ensuring attainment of high standards for all students.

PESB’s vision is to provide highly effective professional educators who meet the diverse needs of schools and districts and prepare all students to graduate able to succeed as learners and citizens.

Rural Education Center (REC)
The Rural Education Center is a statewide cooperative of small and rural districts, several educational service districts, and other key educational organizations committed to achieving the highest quality of learning on behalf of children in our public schools. Our goals are to:
•    Evaluate and redesign as needed the Rural Education Center (REC) to achieve its mission, philosophy and vision
•    Increase REC’s voice at policy development groups
•    Increase information exchange between REC member schools
•    Expand the REC leadership network
•    Increase partnerships and strengthen existing partnerships to expand REC resources

School Information and Research Service (SIRS)
SIRS is a service governed by a board of 15 representatives. The need for a service that provides current research data relating to administrative responsibilities in Washington State public schools and authorizing school districts to pay for such services was recognized by the legislature in 1975.

SIRS members include Washington State public school districts, educational service districts, and public educational management/leadership associations on the SIRS Board. The annual fee for school district membership is based on the school district's student population. Association members pay a flat fee.

All communications, publications, and access to online products are sent directly to the school district superintendent or to the association CEO. He or she determines how SIRS publications/products will be distributed.

Washington Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (WALAS)
Formed in 2019, the Washington Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (WALAS) aims to address the needs of underrepresented Latino students by fostering equity and increasing access to leadership roles across the State of Washington. WALAS focuses on promoting fairness for all students, with a particular emphasis on Latino educators. Through mentorship, networking, and professional development initiatives, WALAS endeavors to inspire both current and aspiring Latino leaders, fostering strategic partnerships and advocacy opportunities to facilitate their journey into leadership positions.

Washington Association of School Business Officials (WASBO)
The Washington Association of School Business Officials is a professional association that provides programs and services to promote best practices of school business management, professional growth and the effective use of educational resources.

Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA)
WIAA is the governing body of athletics and activities for secondary education schools in the state of Washington.

Washington State ASCD (WSASCD)
Washington State ASCD was incorporated in 1956 as an affiliate of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). It has over 125,000 members worldwide—superintendents, principals, teachers, professors, and advocates from more than 138 countries, ASCD is one of the largest and most influential educational associations in the world. WSASCD is one of 56 ASCD affiliates. The nonprofit’s diverse, nonpartisan membership is its greatest strength, projecting a powerful, unified voice to decision makers around the world. The association provides expert and innovative solutions in professional development, capacity building, and educational leadership essential to the way educators learn, teach, and lead.

Washington State Board of Education (SBE)
The mission of the State Board of Education is to lead the development of state policy for K–12 education, provide effective oversight of public schools, and advocate for student success. It is committed to using equity as a guiding principle in its decision-making related to its statutory charges, strategic planning, and in developing annual policy proposals for consideration by Washington State Legislature and Governor.

The Washington State Board of Education is committed to successful academic attainment for all students. Accomplishing this will require narrowing academic achievement gaps between the highest and lowest performing students, as well as eliminating the predictability and disproportionality in student achievement outcomes by race, ethnicity, and adverse socioeconomic conditions.

Washington State Personnel Association (WSPA)
The mission of WSPA is to provide leadership in promoting effective human resource practices within the education community through legislative involvement, professional development, activities, and a broad-based resource network.

Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA)
WSSDA builds leaders by empowering its members with tools, knowledge, and skills to govern with excellence and advocate for public education.

All Washington School Directors effectively govern to ensure each and every student has what they need to be successful within our state’s public education system.

Washington State School Retirees' Association (WSSRA)
WSSRA aims to enhance the security and vitality of an educator’s retirement years. The association includes present and future TRS, PERS, and SERS retirees. WSSRA provides pro-retiree and pro-education advocacy and leadership to the Washington State Legislature.

Washington State Achievement Council (WSAC)
The mission is to advance educational opportunities and attainment in Washington. In pursuit of the mission, the Washington Student Achievement Council:
•    Leads statewide strategic planning to improve educational coordination and transitions.
•    Supports Washingtonians through the administration of financial aid, 529 college savings plans, and support services.
•    Advocates for the economic, social, and civic benefits of postsecondary education.