You're Not Locked into Low Bidders: An Overview of Construction Delivery Methods Lunch & Learn November 30 |12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
RESOURCES PowerPoint Presentation
ABOUT The days of having to lock-in to a Low Bidder are over. There are now alternatives to the Design - Bid - Build Method (Low Bidder Method) we've all come to know and rarely love. While Design - Bid - Build is still a viable option, so are the Design - Build, Progressive Design - Build, and General Contractor - Construction Management (GCCM) delivery methods. This presentation will give an overview of the pros and cons of each construction delivery method to help school districts make informed decisions about the method that best suits them and their projects. SPEAKERS Morris Aldridge – Executive Director of Planning and Construction, Tacoma Public Schools Jay Rowell – Director of Special Projects, Central Valley School District Gene Sementi – Special Projects Manager, OAC Services Jeff Jurgensen – Senior Vice President, OAC Services
DATE AND TIME November 30, 2023 | 12–1 p.m. via Zoom AUDIENCE All district administrators
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