10 Dimensions of Belonging: What You See, Hear, & Feel When ALL Learners are Included Lunch and Learn February 1 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
ABOUT Belonging in schools is easier to affirm, but much more challenging to define and create. This is particularly true for students with disabilities and their families, including those with significant cognitive disabilities. In this hour, we will focus on the ten Dimensions of Belonging and consider what you see, hear and feel when you are in a school where the culture is one of inclusiveness and belonging. A reflection tool that helps to structure conversations in schools and teams about Belonging will be shared. Presentation by: Dr. Gail Ghere, TIES Center, University of Minnesota
DATE AND TIME February 1, 2022 | 12–1 p.m. via Zoom AUDIENCE All district administrators
RECORDING View the PowerPoint here. View the video recording here.
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