
For over 40 years, WASA and AWSP have cosponsored the Summer Conference, gathering school and district administrators to celebrate the past year and begin planning for the next to come. Both WASA and AWSP are deeply committed to providing quality professional learning that supports leaders in their highly satisfying yet often challenging work. This year's conference will continue the tradition of excellence and meeting the associations' respective missions.

This year, as we continue to navigate COVID restrictions, we are bringing you an all-new virtual conference. It's not a conference, really. It's a Junetastic learning adventure and YOU are going to choose your learning destinations. 

We’re bringing keynoters and headliners to lead you in learnings through the month of June that are relevant to you in your role of district or building administrator. We’ve focused on three strands: Instructional Practice, SEL for Staff and Students, and Equity to bring you the content you need to come through the COVID-laden year and to move you forward into next year.

You design your adventure by picking the sessions you would like to attend. With a multitude of sessions available throughout the month of June, we are sure you will find at least one that speaks to you. Register for one session or more, the choice is yours!

Watch the promo video.