PEMCO Robert J. Handy Most Effective Administrator Awards

Established in 2002, these awards recognize outstanding Washington public school administrators. One highly effective superintendent, central office administrator, or building administrator will be selected from a small district (up to 500 students), medium-sized district (501–2,000 students), and large district (over 2,000 students). A $10,500 award will be equally divided among the three winners. The award may be used for personal or professional growth and/or to support and disseminate information about a successful school or district program. The Robert J. Handy Most Effective Administrator Awards application process will begin January 26, 2022 and ends March 10, 2022. Self-nominations or nominations by others may be submitted to Shari Parsons at the WASA office.

Past Award Recipients

Small Districts (fewer than 500 students)

2024: Andrew Perkins, Superintendent, Thorp SD

Rich Staley, Superintendent, Oakville SD

John Hannah, Superintendent, Morton SD

Tim Dickinson, Principal, Conway SD

2020: NA

2019: Chad Prewitt, Principal, Davenport SD

2018: Mike Hull, Principal, Pateros SD

2017: Linda Martin, Superintendent, Thorp SD

2016: NA

2015: Karen Wirkkala, Naselle-Grays River Valley SD

2014: Aaron Fletcher, Liberty SD

2013: NA

2012: NA

2011: Bill Motsenbocker, Liberty SD

2010: Doug Curtis, Lacrosse, SD

2009: Phil Williams, Lyle SD

2008: NA

2007: Larry Keller, Mansfield SD

2006: Beverly Fox, Palouse SD

2005: Bob Friese, Willapa Valley SD

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