
Guiding Slides
W1: Breakout Presentation by Conference Sponsor: University Instructors, LLC | Andrew Feller; Abby Johnson; Dan Conaway; Michaela Clancy
W2: Inclusion, Equity, and Early Childhood Special Education | Ryan Guzman

• Handout: Marathon Goals
• Handout: Early Childhood Special Education Abbreviations Key
• Handout: Implementation Stages Planning Tool
• Handout: Hot Buttons

W3: Every Minute Counts: Calculating IEP Services to Improve Student Outcomes in Washington State | Jenny Kouo
W4: Flexible Services and Intervention (MTSS, Special Education, and 504s) | Nicholas French; RJ Monton
W5: Braided Funding and Flexible Staffing Options | Jeffrey Niess
W6: Restraint and Isolation | Lee Collyer
W7: Fiscal and Dispute Resolution Updates | Alyssa Fairbanks; Scott Raub; Lynne Truitt
W8: The Role of BCBAs in Schools | Alexandra Toney; Jaimee Kidder; Patrick Mulick
W9: ALEs and Nontraditional Learning Settings | Paula Kitzke; Rebecca Lynn Kassan

Keynote: To Embrace is to Advocate | Dana Miles
Keynote: Closing of Preconference | Glenna Gallo


MTSS Guiding Slides
Keynote: Opening of MTSS Fest | James Whitfield

1.1: Why MTSS Matters in the World of Children with Learning Disabilities | Jeffrey Niess
1.2: Achieving Success with MTSS: Supporting Students in ALL Tiers of Instruction | Laura Stewart
1.3: MTSS: Creating the Conditions for Inclusionary Practices | Debbie Limon
1.4: Authentic Family & Community Engagement for Continuous Improvement | Dixie Grunenfelder
1.5: Leadership Capabilities that Support the Implementation of Multi-tiered Systems of Support | Stephanie King; Bill Rasplica
1.6: Creating Equal Opportunity Through Advocacy | Dana Miles
1.7: Tier II Interventions That Work | Heather McDonough
1.8: Teaming: Your Anchor for MTSS | Tori Hazelton; Sandy Gessner-Crabtree

Keynote: Lunchtime Speaker | Glenna Gallo

2.1: Prevention for Restraint and Isolation | Lee Collyer; Chuck Fleming

2.2 Boots on the Ground: Implementation of ESSB 6162 | Rebecca Estock; Annie Pennell

2.5: Listening & Learning: Creating District Systems and Structures that Amplify and Honor Student Voice | Liz Ritz; Emily Couch
2.6: Supporting Multilingual Learners in the Mainstream | Kristin Percy Calaff; Katie Sperling
2.7: How Do Special Education, 504, and Tiered Interventions Work Together Anyway? | Nick French
2.8: Informing Tier I Efforts and Detecting Students Who Need More Through Universal Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health Screening | Alita Crosby; Tawni Barlow
2.9: What You Look For Is What You Find | Tammy Woodard; Kelly Bolson
2.10: MTSS in an America School Counseling Association (ASCA) Model Program | Jeff Dennis; Tiffany Frane
Keynote: The Possible Future of Education: An Invitation to Radically Dream | Dr. Jamila Dugan

MTSS Guiding Slides
Keynote: Move to Include | Dr. Jennifer Spencer-Iiams

3.1: Adams Elementary MTSS Evolution: Common Thoughts, Common Beliefs, Common Practice | Angela Brooks; Ben Newell; Alejandra Rodriguez; Cristal Bernal; Bethany Hunter; Marisol Garza
3.2: School Improvement Planning with Multilingual Learners | Kristin Percy Calaff; Katie Sperling
3.3: Improving Student Behavior with Academic Rigor | Chuck Fleming; Nikole Lyle

3.4: Boosting Your Systems for Better Attendance & Engagement | Shelby Lockhart; Krissy Johnson; Allyson Fritz

3.6: State Learning Standards Review | Kara Todd; Sue Anderson
3.7: Creating Balance in Unbalanced Times: Implementing the Science of Reading and Writing Through an MTSS Framework | Aimee Miner; Leslie Woods; Ingrid Nyberg; Julianne Colwell; Jessica Hendrick
3.8: Pathways Towards Equitable Access to Grade-Level Curriculum | Kristin Leslie; Rebecca Lynn; Fran McCarthy
3.9: Think Big! Career Connected Learning as Intervention and Acceleration | Cecily Kiester
3.10: MTSS for School Improvement Planning | RJ Monton; Liza Hartlyn

4.1: Nested MTSS: Building Cohesive Systems for Students’ Success Together | Betty Lopez; Alicia Jacob; Jeff Cochran; Hunter Sissom; Kristi Irion
4.2: High School MTSS—A Journey of Using Data to Dive Into Tier 2 | Andy Meyer

4.3: Common Pitfalls and Solutions for Tier 2 Implementation | Maggie Schulze
4.4: Inclusion for All—One District’s Journey to Education Reform | Becky Ramsey; Heather Chase
4.5: When “It Goes Without Saying” Isn’t Enough | Debbie Carlman; Darius Alexander
4.6: Dyslexia and the Science of Reading: What Administrators Need to Know | Alicia Roberts Frank; Rebecca Estock
4.7: Considerations for Alternative Learning Spaces | Paula Kitzke; Rebecca Lynn Kassan
4.8: Applying an MTSS Model to Adult Wellbeing and Addressing Secondary Trauma in the K–12 Workforce: Tiering it Out | Jill Patnode; Melissa Carpenter
4.9: Delivering Tiered Interventions in Response to Attendance and Discipline Disproportionality | Robert Daniel; Jillian Hove