2023–24 Women in Leadership

WASA is strengthening support for our Women in Leadership. This year we will be offering two conferences (one in-person and one virtual) as well as two complimentary lunch and learn sessions. 

Sessions will be facilitated by Michelle Whitney, Superintendent, Pasco School District; WASA Past-President.

  • October 10, 2023 Virtual | 9:30–11:00 a.m. 
  • December 12, 2023 Virtual | Noon–1 p.m. | Complimentary
  • January 12, 2024 Virtual | 8:30–11:30 a.m. 
  • March 13, 2024 Virtual | Noon–1 p.m. | Complimentary
  • May 4, 2024 Chelan, WA | Full day
View details of this year's learning opportunities below. 

Powerful Leadership: The Role of Trust, Self-efficacy, and Feedback Send to All WASA Active Members


Dr. Megan Tschannen-Moran Slides
Dr. Jenni Donohoo Slides
Session Recording

2022–23 Women in Leadership

WASA is strengthening support for our Women in Leadership. This year we will be offering two conferences (one in-person and one virtual) as well as two complimentary lunch and learn sessions. 

Sessions will be facilitated by Michelle Whitney, Superintendent, Pasco School District; WASA President.

  • October 14, 2022

Presentation | Chat | Link to purchase She Leads by Dr. Rachel George and Majalise W. Tolan |
Recording: Part 1, Part 2

  • December 14, 2022


  • January 6, 2023


  • March 15, 2023: Virtual | Noon–1 p.m. | Complimentary


  • April 29, 2023: Chelan | Full Day
  • May 12, 2023: Virtual | Noon–1 p.m. | Complimentary
View details of this year's learning opportunities below. 
Women in Leadership Annual Conference April 29 2023 at Campbell's Resort in Lake Chelan


Photo of Julie Jangawala smiling from the torso up
Julie Jungawala (Formerly Wilson)
Coach, Advisor, Author, and Executive Director, Institute for the Future of Learning

Julie Margretta Jungawala is the author of The Human Side of Changing Education, a coach, and an advisor to school leaders, educational institutions, and foundations whose mission is to shape the future of K–12 education. She has over fifteen years’ experience building effective learning environments that unlock human potential and enable organizational culture to adapt and grow during times of change. She is the founder and executive director of Institute for the Future of Learning, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping transform the 'one size does not fit all' model of education. The Institute works with a diverse range of clients including public schools, independent schools, public charter schools, and educational philanthropic organizations.

Recent speaking engagements include TEDx, fuse, the Center for Transformational Leadership, and the Science of Teaching and Leadership Academy. Julie graduated from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education with a master’s degree in technology, innovation, and education, and a Bachelor of Arts in business administration and French from Queens University in Belfast, Northern Ireland. During her time as a staff member at Harvard, Julie was the recipient of the Harvard Hero award for outstanding contributions to the University.

A recent survey of WASA’s Women in Leadership event participants identified a strong desire for regional, in-person opportunities to learn from and with other women. This luncheon Finding Joy Together in the Wilderness will provide opportunities to feed your mind, body and soul as you learn from panels of business and educational leaders and interact with your colleagues.

March 22, 2023 | 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

A Conversation with WASA President, Michelle Whitney: A Peek into the Life of a Female Superintendent | March 15, 2023

Women in Leadership presents: a conversation with Michelle Whitney. A peek into the life of a female superintendent. Complimentary Zoom. Photo of Michelle Whitney smilingABOUT
WASA is excited to bring you A Conversation with WASA President, Michelle Whitney: A Peek into the Life of a Female Superintendent. This complimentary Women in Leadership event will focus on the often-unspoken aspects of women’s leadership journeys. Please join us on Wednesday, March 15 at noon for an action-packed hour of insights.

Access the recording here.

Upcoming Conferences

Interested in attending an upcoming conference? Check out the WASA Conference Calendar.

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